Sunday, September 29, 2013

Peace in every steps - Master Ven

Peace in every step ~ Ven Thich Nyat I have read this book many years ago and this is one of the hundred over books written by Ven. I remembered in this book , the author taught about the walking mantra to be aware of the walking process and the pace of the breathing. Walking mantra is a technique to let the person learned to be conscious of the lifting of the leg and  aware of the feet touching the floor. Every step consciously following the breath. As we walk slow, the breath is slow. The breathing in process and the breath out process is of the same count. Four count in breathing in and four counts in breathing out.  If we increase the count to five count then the breath out is five count. In the same rhythm and speed. The logic is that as we slow down our breathing , our  mind will become more focus and awareness will arise and strengthen.  Master Ven liken a walking mantra to a meditation and  to use our walking to control our breathing and our mind. I have tried it before and it takes great pain to slow down. As I mentioned in my earlier articles, I have seen a European women walk a 10 feet length in 30 minutes and it is amazing as you could feel every bit of your muscles moving in in every step you take. So, peace in every step。 Namaste.

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