Tuesday, September 24, 2013

A parent's love.

A Parent's Love Even the fiercest tiger will never eat their own  cubs. This saying shows that a parent's love for their children is unlimited. Then, why do some children thinks that their parent love them less? There is always a story behind each episode. Every person have their own chemistry and attractions. This is a very personal thing . Sometimes , we can see odd couples hanging out or getting married. Their appearance or their upbringing can be so different but they fall in love so deeply.  Some people said their fate is sealed in heaven. Maybe some case is like this  but I think it is the growing up and the cummulation in our experience in life . It could be  movies, our upbringing , influence from our peers , our studies and learning from daily life, etc. There are thousand and one thing or factors that mould a person's like and dislike or attraction or rejections. Everybody when young would not be able to distinguish what they like or dislike and only when they are growing up and from their experience then they form a defense around them. By then. The mind takes control over their choice and they act spontaneously to their mind which decide how they are to act. They lost themselves to their monkey mind and also lost themselves. For a person to dislike a person at first sight or at any instance. It is not their choice. Everyone of us have a Buddha heart, or a compassionate heart with loving kindness. We are born with love and we are able to love others especially our children which is unconditional. To break away from the control of our mind and our experience, we need to understand the working of our mind. We have to aware of its naughty nature and we have to train and tame it. We must be the master over it instead of letting the mind control us. Once we gain control ,we must get rid of the bad experience in us and tell it that we have enough and wants it out of our life. We have to face it and make it weaker and fade away. These experiences are the past already and we should not let the past control our future. We must enforced ourself by telling our mind that we are in control and repeatedly re-enforced this ability to build up the confidence  that the power lies within us to change. To change from the bad to the good and from hatred and dislike to love. Unconditioned  love for everyone. Peace and love to the world. If you can reach this level , you will find that your parents maybe having this weakness and you should understand and reach out to them. Their hurting words and actions may not be their own choice but the work of their bad experience and their thoughts. If you understand this point then you are stronger then them and you will realized that everything is illusion. The feeling of like and dislike is unreal and comes to nothing. It is only illusions and experience that is driving us and the people around us. At this point, you will be enlighten. A deep sense of realization will rise up insight us. Namaste.

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