Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Our spontaneous re-actions

When someone change lane in front of us and threaten our safety, we yelled 4-letter words, show our third finger , honk and curse and swell... you idiot, you bloody fool , etc. This is a natural re-action. Your life and your property is threaten. Why do we let this spontaneous action and our anger take control of us and make us miserable ? We can take it calmly and have a laugh over it if there is finally no harm come to us. It is a choice. Like I say is it you in control or your emotions is taking over you? After the incident, you feel all hot up and upset for a few seconds or a few minutes or for the whole day. This is again another choice. Why are you hurting yourself while the person who have committed the crime drove away living happily ever after while keep biting your nails ? All these are choices and it depends on your status of your mind. Are you in control or your mind is controlling you ? Some of us may not be conscious that we have a mind. Where is the mind ? In our head, our heart , our stomach or in our toes ? Where ? It is so abstract that we cannot actually pin point where it should be. In order to train your mind, how do we control it , if it is abstract or when we don't know where it is located in our body? However, if you try a small exercise, a breathing exercise than you will know where is your mind. Just follow your breath. Breath in and breath out slowly and you focus on your breath. By following your breath, you will realized that your thoughts is following your breath and the consciousness of your thoughts is your mind. It is very subtle but you can sense that your focus and your breath is moving in the same direction and you are conscious and aware of it. This is the mind that I am talking about. That spot of consciousness. Your mind is empty as your follow that spot and if you start to think of something or a thought, the spot will disappear and your mind will be occupied. By focusing on the spot, you arecontrolling your mind but once you lost the spot your mind will control you. So , what choice you exercise or response to an occasion depend so the condition of your mind. If you mind is discipline, we can control your re-action but if your mind is weak, you will yell and cry and curse. So, go within yourself and look for your mind and tell your mind that you are the master of your life and you will decide on your actions instead of letting loose. Namaste.

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