Sunday, September 22, 2013

Let the forms sets in - Yoga practice

Let the form fit in - Yoga Sometimes, my young yoga teacher can be a bit of " deep sea" and in proper English , it means  " very wise" and is difficult to comprehend. Anyway, she is a psychology student and teaching yoga is only part time. I think yoga enhance our psychological thinking in some ways. Let the form sets in means do not force the form but let it gradually shapes in at your own pace. If you force the form, your body will harden and it will be painful and stressful to the body. In the long run you will enjoy yoga and will instead leave the practice. If  we gradually and gracefully let the forms sets in, we not only enjoy it and also build a strong foundation in our practice.  Nothing should be force into or out into a shape. To have perfection , every thing or action should be like water which form its own shape. Water find its own level and find its way to the deepest part of a form. Namaste.

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