Sunday, April 7, 2013

As I see it today - 7/4

The GE 13 is the latest hot topic and it should be because it concern everyone of us. Our future and our hope and it should be the most mportant issue now.

 There was  call  by Rafidah Aziz, a former misnister that we should not change our girlfriend easily and it was countered by another call that we should leave ourh abusive father who have been manipulating and ill treating us for 52 years. Why are all this retired politicians floating up from oblivion and say something crazy. All they have to do is to let the world evolved and just stay a side. Stupid statement like that only make them look like idiots.

 Yeah, why should we keep living with an abusive father ? I saw the BN manifesto on TV and they are really spending big money on the TV adverts to tell people of their success and how much of progress it had brought to Malaysia. The psst achievements are spin over an dover again on the TV. This is the high handedness of the BN and how they fund these campaigns with the tax payers money. However, the Free Radio for Sawarak and Free Radio for Malaysia have been jammed and the website of the opposition voice have been hacked. Why such unfair practice and hitting under the belt tactics. Let the people hear what the opposition have to say and let us judge whether it is true or not. The more such dirty tactic and more people will suspect and upset. Why deprive us of the news ?

Suddenly, there is a news from the Jewellery Company coming out to vouch for Rosmah and isuued a statement that Rosmah was not the real buyer of the US$8 million ring. There is a wise saying if we tell the truth, then we have no worries in our life. The more she denied, the more the news will spin. Just shut up, period. There was a call again for a debate between Najib and Anwar as both parties have released their manifesto and let the people judge and also to have a fair chance to see their points in their manifesto. Anwar have been calling for such platform like in the USA , there was a Presidential debate on how to resolve the country;s economic and political problems. Such debtate will let the people judge who is the better person to handle the country/s destiny. If a PM is unable to debate or talk intelligently in Presidential debate , then he or she is not up to the mark for the job. He should just resign.

 One the agenda in the BN manifesto is to improve the education standard of the Country and for that, I would like to asked why it had deteriorate to the present status where our English and educaiton standard have fallen below par and now, why we should trust BN to clear up their shit. It is high time that someone else should do the job and do it better.

Yes, it is a trust betrayed and why we should trust the same culprit again. What is done cannot be forgiven and the people who create this shit , should go. As I have said the course of our Country's future is on our hands and together we can change it. If we make the wrong choice , we will change it in hte next round. We have to change to see whether the change is right or wrong. 50 years is too long and too bad.


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