Tuesday, September 6, 2011

8 fold path of yoga

Hatha Yoga

It's probably the yoga most people think of first and what they are typically referring to is the yoga postures, or asanas.  It also incorporates breathing techniques and meditation.

Hatha Yoga attempts to purify the nervous system and strengthen the body so you can release stress and tension and be more relaxed in meditation.

Tantra Yoga

Perhaps the most misunderstood path of all the yoga branches, tantra yoga teaches you to expand your awareness in everything you do.  To practice tantra yoga, your character has to be strong to begin with consistng of humility, purity, courage, devotion, dispassion, faithfulness, truthfulness, non-covetousness, as well as devotion to the guru.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti yogis are devoted and follow the path of the heart. Yogis who practice this branch of yoga express and develop tolerance, acceptance and love for all living things. The life and work of the famous saint Mother Teresa symbolizes the combination of the Bhakti and Karma Yoga paths with their devotional aspects and selfless service.

Jnana Yoga

A Jnana yogi focus on the mind, wisdom and knowledge with the goal being to discover one's true self through intuitive knowledge from the soul.  The Jnana approach isn't for everyone because it might fee difficult due to the serious nature of study and application of will. 

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is something that most people can easily understand and practice.  It is the path of service and means performing selfless service as much as possible.  Done properly it can change your actions and as a result, your thoughts and feelings as well.

Raja Yoga

Raja consists of a precise system that attempts to gain control of the physical body, energy, senses and mind. Students learn to control their thought waves by turning their mental and physical energy into spiritual energy by uniting eliminating ego and instead living from the soul.

The Eight-Fold Path of Yoga - These practices will help purify your mind and live more from a spiritual viewpoint:

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