Thursday, March 3, 2011

A purpose driven life - Steve Jobs & Ipad 2

Steve Jobs , former CEO of Apple Computers, one of the richest man on earth besides Bill Gates.  This man is really admirable. He was sick when he review I-phone4 and it brings big profits to Apple and he recovered to manage Apple Inc and he was medical leave and he came back to launch Ipad 1 and then, he was again on medical leave leaving the Company to his partners and then he came back on to launch Ipad2 , a slimer and faster Ipad. He is fighting a serious illness but his venturing spirit refused to die. He keeps improving the ipad and iphone and  bring in a better version, each time he appear in Public.

He is so attached to his products and focus all his strength and might in Apple Inc. This is his life purpose and have gained him frame. But, people will forget him if he retire or when he is dead. This is besides the point, we have to admire his guts  and strength in the pursuance of his dream and vision.

There is an analogy. If a person do not have anything to do, two hours is a very long time but to a busy person, it is just like watching a movie, time just flew.  The same thing happen to us if we pursue our hobbies, time passes so fast. If we have a purpose, we are not conscious of time.

Once, I was told by my BIL, Jim that in Christianity , we must have God in our mind all the time.  Hence, Christians cannot practice Yoga as the  practice calls for an empty mind. So, the Christians have one single focus in God and this will be a powerful force which drive a sole purpose driven belief.  The same happens to Buddhist who is committed to cleanse their body and mind  and works for charity, such people have a powerful purpose and will be easily contented which came from  a purpose driven life.

Anyway, nowadays , they don't make man like Steve Jobs. He is a man of steel , he works amidst pain, sickness and hunger. Such macho man is lacking in this young generations. Youngsters now, take sick leaves when they catch a cold or a cough. They don't go out in the rain and hide in their rooms most of the time playing with their electronic toys or equipments.  The people have change their mindset and people like Steve Jobs have influenced the change in people's life styles and from hard to soft.  For example, the Ipad is processing fast, it is lighter, thinner and more functional. It pampers the young and make them soft in the body but strong in the mind. The whole evolution is happening.


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