Friday, March 25, 2011

Come what may, let it pass.

In life, there is a lot of ups and downs , happiness or sad incidents, good and bad people and we need to learn to let it go. These are the facts of life. But, there is an in-built mechanism which makes us have short memory of the past. This is a good thing. So, there is a basic understanding that time will heal or time will solve all problems. Based on my experience, I have many such experiences especially unhappy memories. Although, we can cannot totally ease it from our memory, it is getting less memorable as time goes on. However, once awhile, these memories will surface and prick us or pull our heart strings.

Some of us have use this tool to sit out the problem especially emotional problems which have no solutions. When come to emotions, the outcome cannot be managed. It is not a simple problem like one plus one is equal to two.  This human problem could have multiple or varying outcome.  The outcome could be deadly if not managed properly. When we punch it hard, it bounced back with an equal intensity. A strong action will result in a stronger re-action. Hence, we have to be patient and let the events play it out . We watch it go by and without taking any actions. Fixing it will give rise to other problems or nothing at all.

In our journey through life, we often meet difficult people who can influence our lives. They could  be our parents, peers , boss or customers. If we directly confront them, it could be damaging to our relationship with them and  we could invite troubles in our life or they could make our life difficult and unpleasant. If we do nothing, these people will abuse and take advantage of us and we will suffer in silent. In these situations, both options could end up unpleasant and nasty. The outcome is unpredictable and the best solution is to wait it out.

Waiting it out could be against our nature or against our fixing  mind. We have to control our emotions , stressed up or suffer in silence. To avoid these negative impacts, we have to change our mind-sets and thinking. We have to re-act to these situation like water. You cannot catch water, cut it and cannot hold on to it. The water will flow according to the contours. If these people act foolish, we act stupid or if they  throw punches, we move away or if difficult people act abusively, we will treat them as mentally disturbed. The best option is to act foolishly to survived and we must believe that we are managing idiots and we are a better person then them to confront their foolish acts.

To be able to have a mind that is tolerance, understanding and patience, there is a need to train our mind and gain wisdom to have a thorough understanding of life. Everything is impermanence and everything will pass with time whether there is a solution to it or not. Not doing anything is doing something  and it could be a solution itself.

The message above is not to encourage evil acts and it has to be used in appropriate situations.  There is a saying " Evil gets stronger when the good do nothing ". If there is a solution or if it is clearly black or white, we should act appropriately especially if it is a matter of one plus one equals to two.

So live well and there is no problem which cannot be resolved.  Our friend, TIME is with us.


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