Friday, January 28, 2011

Temptation of the flesh

In the story of Buddha's enlightenment, at the final stage of his enlightenment, there was serpents, lightning, earthquakes and naked dancing women to frighten him , seduce and distract him. However, he win them all and he succeeded to attain enlightenment. At his spiritual level, he is tempted by naked flesh and what about the ordinary man.

The message today is " Sex is empty" . It is only a moment of pleasure .  Yesterday,, I met a friend  for lunch and he told me that there are abundance of China dolls in Penang and in Chinese villages all over the country.  My friend, PH stays in an apartment in the Jelutong Expressway. He told me that a lot of those China dolls  staying near his apprtment and they can easily recognized them by their look. These China dolls are working in karaoke lounge , mini bars and clubs as GRO. The word GRO is Guest Relationship Officer, a job title which was once an honorable job but now in shambles. It has become very frequent that we read of raids by Police in the newspaper and many of these GROs have been caught and deported or heavily fined.  I wonder what kind of life they are living.

I also have heard from friends who keep these China dolls as " friends" and they go home rich with Ringgit after a few years working part time or full time in Malaysia.  Back at home, they can start a new life or start a new business. A new beginning for them and their family rather been poor and never have a chance to live a normal life or a life of their expectation. Again, I wonder how they can force a smile to a stranger or bare the disgusting hands of their customers on their body or the rough handling by some crazy idiots amidst the worries and danger of been caught , jail and deported.

Yes, you may say that unless you are in the situation of poverty , you will never understand why they did it.  Looking from outside in and judging these girls is not fair.  Furthermore, who are we to judge them. To them, the body is a money tree and an asset and before it gets old and worn out, it is better to earn some money from it. The final condition of our body is same when it gets old and worn out and it do not matter  whether it has  been used or not. The final product is dust to dust and ashes to ashes. This is the principle of impermanence which Buddha is trying to teach us and make us understand that we have to let go of our ego, materials and desires.

I am not concluding that we should follow these China girls to waste our body since the end is the same.  But, rather each person have their own path to follow and a life to live. Each of us have our own expectation, principles and vision and no two person is the same. I feel pity for the China dolls if they earn a living by whatever means and not hurting other people.  If the end result of their manipulation  caused suffering to the people around them or breaking up families of their customers, these acts should be condemn. To these wicked people, remember you reap what you sow. As long as you do not hurt other people, there is no reason to judge you.

To these women of the nights, I pray that you  live honestly if you need to use your body to make money and I   foretell those who go out of the way to make money, do not hurt the people  who pay you the money.

Life is a passing smoke , live it  well.


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