Saturday, January 1, 2011

Is fat ugly? By whose standard ?

There are numerous attempt to address this issue. This perception of what is beautiful is enforced by slimming adverts, movies ,magazine and other medias to make business. Just Like the commercialization of Christmas , new year and valentine day. The purpose is to glorify it to make business and profit.

The massive campaign to paint what is beauty hve generate billions of business volume a year and it is intensifying. Based on this concept , the movie industry captivate this strategy to portrait young and women as beautiful people and join hands to make more business and profit. Jumping into the bandwagon are the miss Universe and beauty contest to promote the same concept to define what is beauty. This is a business cartel amd the final aim is to make profit.

Through the years of daily reminders through movies ,adverts and news media, the concept of beauty is defined. We are told what to wear ,how we are we to be smelled and what should be outlook. We are pulled by our nose and moved in this dictated direction and became part of the establishment. Most people is wiiling to be dictated as creativity us sometimes very painfully.

So,the businessmen set the image of beauty and we supported them and think like them. In the Hollywood movies and tv dramas, everything is beautiful and the male actors are handsome and the ladies are young slim and beautiful. But, in reality most the Americans are fat and obese. This is the irony and the big difference between fantasy and reality.

Coming back to the definition of fat amd beauty. In ancient china, most parent prefer their daughter in law to be plum. The cheek must be round and the flesh must be tender. Such physical qualities will be suitable to make good family. At that time , this is the version of beauty and if we break through the business concept of beauty,in many countries and cultures , being fat is beautiful and sexy.

But, for health reasons, excessive weight is harmful to the heart. Abit excessive for an active person is okay. Slightly people are often happier people because they enjoy good food and life. I have a yoga Guru and she is very flexible and good in her yoga pose despite she is plum. She is always smiling and I find her charming and sexy. My version of beauty is the plummer version.

Nevertheless, nothing is absolute and like I say before beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Love is chemistry,mistery and fate. Why we have to change ourself to meet other people's expectations. This is the act of a faker because you are not you. You are just what other people want you to be. This is a meserable and painful life.

I end this article by asking to accept what you are and do the things that is good for yourself and not for anybody else. They have to love me for what I am.


Dedicated to my lovely daughter, Shu May.

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