Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Love and fate

I haven't been calling my friend since end of last year and  yesterday, I took up my phone and called her to get her advise on some business issues and I asked her about her new year resolution. Spontaneously, she responded  that she wants to get a partner in life. I have arranged a few chances for her  to meet with some of my friends of mid thirties but there was no follow through by her because of her hectic work schedule. One of her, ex-staff got hitch last Saturday and perhaps, this event  prompted her to have this wish,

Love and fate is very funny. When you want it desperately, it evades you but if you do not want it that stupid cupid will knock on your door. For some people, it comes naturally but for some, you have to search persistently. 

For some, they are experts in falling in and out of love and treating it as an infatuation. Love to these Romeo and Juliet is like a hot air balloon. One moment, it is full of gas and flying in the sky like magic and the next moment ,  it fell straight to the ground when the gas dries up.

For some, they try so hard to please and change themselves so much to attract the opposite sex and ended up, wounded and worn out. Finally, leaving fate to run its path.  Out of pity, it can comes like a whirl wind and picks you up all the way. At times, it is stagnant  and motionless, with no further actions. This is fate.

I wonder whether I should continue to introduce my friends to her and I believe she is also trying very hard to find a partner. There is a Chinese saying " if you don't match make, for three generation, your family will  be blessed with good fortunes". I wonder whether there is any truth in this myth.  Anyway, I am a non believer of myth but am I doing her a favor or giving her  a disaster.  To some people, getting married is a different life together  and if you get a wrong partner, you will be doom for life.  There are so many unmarried women and they are living happily ever after. But, then again, there is a different kind of joy of getting married and have a family.  There is a lot of pain and joy and it is the same for unmarried beings. There is a lot fun and loneliness. Another question is that , it is so important to have a family to carry on your linage? This is a big question and I do not want to talk about this matter.

Like Samuel Hui's song, what you have fated in life to get , you will get it but what is not fated, don't force it. In three simple words " come what may". Leave it to fate and lower your expectations and open your heart.  Let your heart be born free again and may you get connected.  Let it come naturally and willingly.
To all those in love and those out of love, may you get connected with the right person and bless with happiness.

To my friend.  Best of luck and  I will try in my small little ways to encourage and connect you and you have to leave it to fate.


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