Sunday, January 23, 2011

Buddha mouth snakey heart - The Dharma.

This is a Chinese saying depicts the worse type of character. This type of people have a mouthful of wisdom and principles but have a evil heart.  They used "thick face and black heart " theory to get what they want.  They are for themselves, otherwise " the heaven be destroy and the earth will crack. The worst of the fakers and with evil and dangerous intentison.
In my journey through life, I have seen many of these type of low characters. Some of them are Buddhist, they chant, learn the Buddhst teachings, attend prayers and praise the Buddha and actually, they wear the Buddhist robes and gone on retreat and partakes in dharma sessions. But, they are extremely selfish and will manipulate others to the extend of hurting others to achieve their realized their targets.  I wonder if they have not learn the Buddhist teaching , what would be become of them. Maybe, they will be less evil.

The Buddhist teachings of the 4 noble truth and 8 fold path help us to understand and avoid suffering with a set of paths to guide our living and behaviour. If these superb teaching is unable to change fakers, then the damage could have gone deep into their core. I pray that these people will realize the truth and avoid to  be controlled by their evil intentions and bad emotions.

The Holness, The Dalai Lama have a wise saying " If you cannot help others, please do not harm them". But, these lowly characters will manipulate, back stab, hurt and kill.  Such evil will spread because the good people are not taking any actions and concentrate on improving themslves instead of others. However, we cannot blame the good ones for not taking actions because the good guys will have to stand up  and pull up these bad characters and could end up as "bad " people in the eyes  tof those people around you.

One of the Chinese saying which support the spread of such evil is " if things that do not concern us, we should not trouble our heart". This wisdom of not getting involved in other people's affairs which do not concern us is passive and counter productive. There are incidents of people dying or in trouble or crisis on the street but no people want to help them and only stand there watching. I hope and pray of a new thinking that if matters which do not concern us but hurt others, we should stand up or out to expose such intriques to prevent other people getting hurt or enforced the evil intentions of these lowly characters.

Nowadays, there is a new trend in Buddhism which is called  "Engaged Buddhism".  This style of Buddhsim is a practical approach to the  Buddhist  teaching which involves hands on experience and engagement  in the practice to understand the teaching.  This style will take away the passive nature of Buddhism.

So, on the look out  for these snakey fellas and highlight to the concern people  of such lowly characters and be skillful in exposing and handling them because they can be slippery and tricky. Their bites can be very painful as well. Fear not. For we reap what we sow. Righteous thoughts and actions are part of the 8 noble path to right living.


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