Monday, November 22, 2010

Your thought is your life

 was very impressed with this quote from the Tao Te Ching, a book of life which was written 2500 years ago and it is still relevant. Since it is relevant, it is timeless and  the author must have written this book with a very deep thought which span across time and space.  The author, Lao Tze is a great sage whose vision cross over many Universe. To see is not to see, to hear is not to hear because what you see or hear is an illusion or falsehood.

The phrase your thought is your life is taken from the book and this phrase have intense meaning. You are what you think you are. If you change your thoughts , you change your life. Our entire life is guide and control by our thoughts.  Hence, in meditation, we calm our mind and tame our thoughts. Our thoughts are influenced by many external factors.  For example, what we learn , hear , see  and read. Our thoughts are guide by layers and layers of past knowledge and images of many events.  All these information form our thoughts and  our life. When see some thing, we are looking through a color lens which is formed by our thoughts and we will re-act according to the internal scrip to handle a particular situation. Hence, to free our thoughts, we have to delete all our past knowledge to see a thing more objectively, real and a new life.

In the book, it also mentioned " if you change your way of looking at a thing, the thing will also change".  We maybe wondering how can a static thing change. When Lao Tze talk about the change, it is not in its physical form, but rather our perceptions of the thing changes as we become more aware.  The color will become more vivid ,much brighter or darker or dull.  Our visual image will change as the colors evolve through our eyes.

If we get to read and understand this book of life, it will open up our wisdom eye and allow us to dwell from within to free our self from restrictions, limitations and illusions. If you can manage with controlling others, it would be like you but not really you. A reflection of you in a timeless space and forever in transition.

Namo Arbithaba.

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