Saturday, November 13, 2010

Right speech and right action

Today, we celebrate the release of the Lady of Myammar, formerly known as Burma.  Aun San Suu Kyi.  Upon her release from her 15 years house arrest, her immediate statement to her party followers was that there is a right time to speak and the time to be silent.  This is a deep wisdom and is very strategic and philosophical. If she continued with her strong attack on the Junta, she maybe jailed again or lock away in some place. Enough is enough.

Looking at her advise from  the Buddhist context, under the eight fold path, there is dharma of right speech and right action.  Burma is a Buddhist country and not long ago, the Monks were protesting against the Junta and quite a number was killed in the demonstration.  Alot of people may have forgotten it and it is normal as we tend to have short memory. Whatever happen is only fleeting moments.

Lets talk about the right speech, if we continue talking , we are not listening.  Using the right word at the right occasion and at the right time is an art. The art of speaking.  We need to speak clearly , at the right speed and the right tone.  If we continue speaking without any pause, it will end up as making noises and people get irritated.  We should be mindful of the subject  and putting it in the right context and make it meaningful.
On the right action, which The Lady professed could be interpreted as sometimes, we have to be quiet and listen to the wind before talking action.  Keeping quiet is also effective listening and communication. By listening effectively is also speaking as we have to know what the other speaker is trying to convey to us before we response.  We have to also think before we talk.

This is a very difficult art and also have very strong philosophical tone , There is also a very wise phrase " Wise man thinks alike, fools seldom differ" .  The art of speaking is also involved the readers and audiences. 

To all of you, I hope we all are wise man and thanks for reading and supporting my blog.


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