Thursday, November 18, 2010

Judge and be judged

This is a very fair statement. Judge and be judged. In other words, judge not others, if not, others will judge you. If we decide to judge others according to our standard, then we have to be judged by others according to their standard. Otherwise, it would not be fair,

There was this farmer  who was at the heaven's gate after he die and while waiting for his turn, he heard this conversation between the gatekeeper and a man who was stop by him at the heaven's gate. The gatekeeper ask him whether he has sin in his life.  The man replied to the gatekeeper that he has not committed any sin in his life. But, the gatekeeper told the man , how he had lied, talk bad about other people  and committed adultery  when he was alive. The dead man was turn away from heaven.  Then, suddenly another dead  man just walked pass the heaven's gate without been stopped by the gate keeper. So, the dead farmer was very surprised and he asked the gate keeper. Sir, why isn't the man been interviewed.  The gate keeper told the dead farmer that the man who walk pass heaven's gate have not judged on others and so he shall not be judged.

Many a times, we look at people with our colored lens and we zoomed into their shortcoming or negative habits. We are not balanced in our judgement as this is based on our own standard which could  be bias. Whatever choice, decision or action taken by a particular individual , he or she will be responsible for it.  We cannot  decide whether it is right or wrong as we do not know what is happening or based on what reason, the decision  is make or action is taken.

What our eyes see does not necessary what it seems to be. We are influenced by our thoughts , our past experience, the movies we see, the books we read  and also the TV commercials which project an image with an objective.  Things should be look at beyond surface level and the truth will prevail.

Everybody is in control of their own destiny and have a decision of their own as this is their life journey in transit. Whatever decision they make is their own business and is none of our concern unless the decision is harmful to others or touch on the rights of others. Any harmful or illegal acts is taken care by the law.

As a parting word, everyone is equal in the eyes of the creator or the so called "GOD".  If you do not want to be judged by others,then don't pass judgement on others.

Live and lets live.


1 comment:

  1. I strongly agree uncle! As nowadays the world is getting ill.. Sorry to say that in the next few generations, I think there wouldn't be any valuable friendships, trust among each others. The hatreds and jealousy slowly build in my generation and I'm so disappointed sometimes. I seldom see 3 races mingle together like my mum and dad's generation. I guess my mum's age and uncle's are almost the same. I always hear what my mum told me that, last time when she was small. They mingle with Indians, malays. They played together and there's no conflicts among each other and I'm very envy with those of my mum's childhood time. whereas now, I can hear and see from others. Their parents would be like.." yer mai cham ka huan na knia.." and the best part.. "mai ki ka apu nene choe peng ew" this is like so racist. I have different concepts cause my parents brought me in a healthy way. I was being bullied by my circle of friends before. But, my parents always motivate me with positive ways. So, I can say I'm very fortunate to have my parents around me when I'm having problems. But obviously, we have to believe in Buddha too. I personally is a strong believer of Buddha. Actually, I respect in every religion's point of views. cause every religion teaches us to be good. No matter what problems I face, I will seek for their help and guidance.
    I believe, if we never talk bad about people, even though got a bunch of "hsiao jin" came and invade our life. But somehow, some time, they will just leave you. Cause Buddha won't let us suffer! Buddha is always right besides us to help and guide us. Buddha is always the one who give us some challenge to go through cause they love us. My parents used to tell me "GOD HELP THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES"

    Your daughter's senior,
