Saturday, November 12, 2011

A long wait for my Dentist.

Once, I watch a canto Chinese series and there was a question posted at the end of the series - which is a better profession : An optician or a dentist? What would you think? Don't be shy. Write down your answer and keep it in your pocket and continue to enjoy my writing.

When I step into his clinic, there were only 3 patient and I gave my name to the nurse and I sat on the sofa to wait for my turn thinking that it will be very fast. Then, more and more people came in after me and I supposed that I am third in line. So. I waited comfortably and listen to the sentimental music which was already on when I get there. The nurse started to call the patients by their full name but she did not call my name after the fifth patient. By then,I know that I have fallen into a trap. Those people who came after me, have actually came before me to give their name.I was scheduled to be the eighth patient. What the heck ? The wait was long and I dozed off a few times due to the cool gloomy sky outside and the soothing sentimental music.

When I saw my Dentist, I told him that the wait have been very long and he told me that he hasn't eaten yet. woh! another person sacrifying his life for money. It was not so healthy for him to skip his meals or eat irregularly. But , this is his choice and finally, I got my treatment done.

For Dental treatment, the wait is often more nerve wrecking than the actual treatment. All of us want to get it and get out as fast as we can. If we can avoid it, we would never choose to see a Dentist.

Coming back to the teaser earlier on, the answer is Dentist! Of course , it is only common sense. There is only one pair of eyes and we have 36 tooths and there are more chances and occasions for any of the 36 of them suffering a pain or for extractions compared to two eyes having problems. By numbers, it has already won hands down.

One extraction or treatment is RM30 to RM50 and just imagine for 15 minutes and it a day, if there is 30 patients a day and it should bring in a revenue of RM1,500 per day and if the Dentist worked 20 days in a month, it should bring in RM30,000 a month. What job is better paid than a Dentist ? Getting paid while inflicting pain on his patient. I think if they work long enough as a Debtust , they could become a sadist. Otherwise, it won't work, right?


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