Thursday, November 17, 2011

Are we living or a walking dead ?

If we look around today, there are many articles telling us to be conscious of our health and we should take care of our blood pressure,our cholestrol level, our food intake and the need of regular exercise, etc. There are also alot of supplements to regulate, balance and control these vital points of preserving and prolonging life. We should de-stress, we should meditate and we should slow down. So many things that we should do and again, it is for preserving life. LOts of attention is focus in these areas and it became a multi billion business world wide.

There are several re-actions to these awareness and consciousness. some people became fitness freaks. Jogging,running and walking for hours on the jogging tracks or on the roads. They prepare themselves to run marathons and climb high mountains, building up their muscles and stamina along the way. Half the day is spend on exercise to face these challenges. Is this way of life what they want? If it is affirmative, then they are living in enjoymnet. It becomes meaningful and with a purpose. All the pains and discomfort that comes with it is worthwhile and they accept the pricing of a monotonous life doing the same routine day in and day out.

For those with a different purpose, for example, the objective to preserve and prolong their life,these are the walking deads. Why? It is very simple and it is because they do like it and do not enjoy the exercise. They are forcing themselves to go through the routine, just to keep healthy. The exercise routines are torturing to them and they sacrifice their purpose in life or something they enjoy to go through these nasty routines. When they are runing on the orad or the tracks, they are cursing all the way and hope that the exercise could finished soon. It is like wanting the torture to end soon.Every step is a torture. In their mind, they frequently asking themselves whether it is worth it. Such thoughts is more stressful and harmful to their health and the conswquences of such exercise routine could be damaging in the long run.

There is a famous wisdom " if you choose the work you love, you will never work another single day ". Yes, some people say that they need a job to survive yoand do not have the option to choose. I totally agree but if ocme to exercise and the way to maintain your health, the choice is yours. Totally yours to choose. You want a shorter and more meaningful life or a longer plain and simple life? You want an adventurous and exciting life or a life of simple routines? What you want to keep yourself happy and joyful and not torturing yourself everyday to preseve your life.

Don't blame the media or those articles which ask you to forgo fatty foods or fast foods because you are what you eat. You are the master of your own destiny and you are given the choice to balance what you eat or a total abstain from these food. Are you becoming a vegetrian to live longer or a vegetarian with a purpose or a belief.

Thinking of the options and strike a middle path to enjoy your life. Strike a balance in your food and exercise and your life will become more meaningful. You could choose to eat and exercise or exercise to eat.


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