Sunday, November 27, 2011

The irony of life - talk with "SunTzi"

During the lunch meeting with SunTzi a few days ago, some words said by him keep floating up my thoughts. I have read it from one of the emails send by my friends and I believe I have forgotten about it until this was repeated by Mr SunTzi.

He told me that during his training sessions, there are often incidents of meeting young female trainees and inter-action with him. He told me that there are irony in life. When we are young, we have energy and good looks but no money. When we reach our mid age, we have energy, money but no time. But,when we are successful and at retirement age, we have the money, time but no energy. So, we are not able to have the good looks, money, time and energy at the same time unless we are able make lots of money in a young age or the fortune fell from the sky.

There is a saying that life is fair. WE cannot have all the things at the same time unless we are able to control our desires and gave priority to the things we want to do.

Like I have said in one of my article, when you have an empty jar, what do you to put in the jar first, sand or pebbles. If we fill up the jar with sand first, then you are filling up your life with all the small things in life and keeping your proirity behind. If you choose to put the pebbles in the jar, then you should put the big pebbles first before the small ones. In this way, we are able to attain more in our life and complete all our priorities first and can achieve more in life.

There are many ironies in life , like we spend most of our time earning money and using money to cure our ill health. If we look clearly,we are actually moving in circles. We have good health but we throw away our good health to earn money and return with money to take care of our health. I have seen this actual case and before we are aware of this cruel reality, it will be too late and for the lucky ones, they enjoy the good moments in their life.

This is the message which i wanted to spread as Mr SunTzi told me that any message we write or spread comes from the Creator. Knowledge or wisdom not spread is a waste and comes to nothing. I am the conduit of these good messages and wisdom and if it is your time and fate to receive and understand it, it will come to you. Accept it, understands it and let it work for you.


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