Thursday, February 27, 2014

What goes around , comes around ..

What goes around, comes around

These few words means what you do to people , they will do the same to you. This is the law of karma.

Every often in our selfish way we think that we can get away by using people to our benefit and advantages or we gain from other people's misfortunes. But , it is matter of time, all these ill got benefits will have to be repaid now or in the future or in another life. You may not know what happen to you and why you have to live a dog's life . All you need to do , is to think deeply into you past and  acknowledge  what you have done wrong and repent.

Our ego make us see no wrong In our doings and we often wonder why bad things happen to us. We will never self depreciate our value and we see things in our way and measure things based on our understanding. Whatever we do is little wrong. All is because the bad things we do fell on another people and in no way , what can know what happen to others. Furthermore, what happen to us is never our concern.

It is foolish and not to see the truth and only see and hear what we want to see or hear what we want to hear. Very often our feelers and faulty and inaccurate. We must open our heart and mind to see what we have done and make sure we caused no harm to others if we cannot help them.

Don' have a mental block and receive what we want to receive and in this way, there is no room to mitigate and balance the negative demerits that we have done by stopping the injustice or wrongful act and do positive things to create more merits to balance off your demerits.

Life is full of merits and demerits and after balancing and netting off each other, what is left in the end will get to  you.


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