Saturday, February 15, 2014

The fat clinic - my experience.

Excess fats - a little knowledge

Yesterday. I attended a briefing at slimming center together with my wife and daughter at London academy.
It was an experience and an eye opener. All the time , I have the impression that the slimming academy is using all sorts of chemical to reduce fats but I was wrong and these consultants are professionals. The briefing change my mind set totally.

The first thing they do is to have a body check and identify the area which have excessive fats . The leg, arm, stomach, etc. After identifying the fat profile , they will build a programme to attack these areas using machines , tools and diet programme to reduce the fats in these a areas.

In the slimming clinic, most of the clients are women and the consultant told us that some of their clients are regulars who have successfully completed their weight loss and continue their treatment as they need to keep their appearance for their career. I think it is not these reasons only but also health reasons .

Why are these slimming clinic is for female only? Why not man? Man also need to maintain their image and also their health for better living. This is another option to rebuild health apart from heavy work out in the gym or excessive running which can hurt our joints and body.

Traditionally in the Asian culture, man seldom go to a beauty parlor or a slimming center and the notion is that these centers are for the weaker man or 'SS'. This is wrong concept, the choice belongs to us . Some of Man have also tight work schedules and dislike exercise and this an additional option . Don't let others to dictate your life or the old honking block your happiness.

The image of a handsome , slim and healthy man is our choice and we should be open and do what we want to do to achieve  it if we can afford it. Break the mental block and be freely to do what we want.

For Asians, we are reserve and fearful in nature. We don't have to be, it is all within us to decide.

It will be a good  business if we can have a uni -sex slimming and beauty clinic for both man and women. It is time to change and we have to change just like me attending a slimming clinic talk. Looking like handsome and fit actors are not restricted for the few , it is available for all.

Go for it.


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