Friday, July 12, 2013

Dozed off - an experience

Last night, I attended my yoga session and after a hectic schedule,we have to round it up by a relaxing pose for 5 minutes. It is called the dead man pose with the legs wide spread and our two hands by the sides and the heart sink and relax the whole body. I dozed off during the pose. My wife told me that it was very embarassing as I snored very loudly. I just could not control my actions as my eyes just closed by itself and I went into auto pilot. There are a few times in the past that such completely shut off have occurred. This is very dangerous if we are driving or doing some active and dangerous actions. Luckily, it only occurs at the dead man's pose. Such automatic shut off actions is only when the mind and the body is very tired and run out of control. The force of our eyes shutting down is very forceful and strong. It cannot be avoidable. So when my wife told me that it was embarassing, I told her that I cannot help it. Why do she thinks that I would like to embarass myself. At one time, I was driving back from Kuala Lumpur and during the trip back, I closed my eyes for a second and my car almost sway into the path of another car. It only happens in a split second. What can we help when we encounter this situation ? Stop driving and part at road side and close your eyes for a few moment. This counter action should help very much. Don't try to fight and win over your tired eyes, it will never listen to you and this action will help a lot of people to avoid trouble. If we travel long distance, it is better to have adequate sleep before the trip or bring a long a reserve driver to take turns to avoid such situation. This happening show a tired body and mind which disrupt the reflects of a person. It dulls the mind and shut down the senses. Don't fight yourself , accept that this is a sickness and happen the matter serously. Namaste.

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