Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Who is Mr MOOD ?

Today, my lady friend,B told me that she was in a bad mood and she was upset with everything and everybody. Of course, we have to stay off until her mood swing to the better side. But in my heart, I asked why? Why is she not herself and she is control by mood? Who is Mr MOOD?

Mood is an uncontrolled feeling coming within our body. For female,they are affected by their monthly periods until their monopause. Mr Mood can caused severe stress to the body, cause headaches, severe anger, irritations and sometimes violent behaviours. When Mr Mood takes over control of the body and the mind, you are not you and whatever you do for that day is not you. But, it is you which is at fault. Why do you let Mr Mood to take over. Your mind is confused and your body is weak. These bad combinations make you lost your control.

In order not to suffer in silence, it is better to work on the mind and swing your mood around. You can distract yourself from your mood by watching a movie, a light walk at the shopping mall, eat some chocolates , relax and go to the spa to get a message on your tense body, etc. It is a choice that you need to make. Stay and suffer or do something to swing the mood. A hot water bath could help to start the swing. Get some distractions and not to focus on the Mood but just acknowledge and be aware of its existence and do not do anything.

Mr Mood can be caused by many events which is happening around us or inside us. It could be a chemistry imbalance or a bad night sleep or a persistent problem which keep irritating us or make our mind restless.

If you want to control it, it is an easy matter but if you let it run wild, it can be very destructive.


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