Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The douyou island episode

Someone sent me a link to watch the documentary report on the douyou island. What is douyou island and what happen to the Douyou island is a few rocky islands on the yellow seas separating China and Japan and it is only about the area of 7 sq kilo meter. It is belong to China and administered by Japan and through this documentary, we can see the brutality of the Japanese towards China through the several aggression by Japan into china. It is the three "alls" policy by Japan. To take all land , to make use of all of China's huge population to benefit all of Japan.

China was at one time called " the sick man of South East Asia" and through the Ming and Ching dynasty, there was so many aggression into china , Manchuria and Korea which was belong to China once a upon a time. Through the aggression , the world wars and the various war treaty , the douyou island was taken over by japan and after the second world war , it was taken over by USA and after that , returned to Japan for administration but the island belongs to China, Now, this case is been raised by China who is bring it up to the international platform to seek justice.

The evil of war , aggression and greek by one nation have killed millions of Chinese and in turn, during the second world war , Japan was flatten by two atomic bomb. It took two bombs to make Japan surrender and bring back peace to the world,

There is such thing as  the law of karma.. You reaped what you sow and this is applicable to a race. The world is evolving and the fortune of the nations will also evolved.


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