Sunday, June 17, 2018

Is it better to divorce when the feeling is gone ?

Nowadays,  I have noticed that there are many divorce cases happening around me.  Most of the reasons are non compatibility of character ?  In the old times, people are keeping their marriage intact for the sake of keeping the family together or they go to the extend of forcing themselves to undergo the terrible feeling of hatred towards each other or living under a stressful and unhappy marriage. Now , everything has changed.

It is funny that once there was love and passion before marriage and after marriage , the true colors appeared and the lovebirds become enemies sleeping together in the same bed just to just to keep their marriage intact.  Is this worth the while ?  It must because of the wrongful teachings on family values over one's personal life.  There is so much fear , the fear of losing your better half or the fear of social stigma.  Or just a comparison with the Jones ?

What my personal view is that one's personal life is above all else ? Why the sacrifice for the family if one is not happy ? Why torture ourselves to withstand all the pain and happiness of living with an enemy besides us ?  Yes, our children is our responsibility due our decision to get married but it should be not be only one sided.  It should be a joint responsibility to bring the children up until they become independent.  After this bit of responsibility is done, our obligation is completed and we can part ways without any relationship.  There is no fear of loneliness or fearful of hatred for each other.

Once the passion and love is gone.  It is gone for whatever reasons it might be . So be it and if there is still some care left, then we should live as a friend or a good friend. Why is there so much angeror hatred after the couple divorce ?  Why is that we have to end up faced off with our supposedly "better halves ".  Human beings are so hypocritical ? 

We need to keep our senses and behave logically instead of controlled by our emotions.  We cannot become a slave to our emotions and we should remained calm and composed to end the relationship nicely and neatly.  Yes, if the other half is not working , then they could be a problem of dependency on each other , then an option have to work out so that the relationship among all the family members remained strong and good. It is useless crying over spoilt milk and making it miserable to all around us.

The people around the divorced couple will need to know where they stand and no to interfere with the lives of the couple after the divorce .. It is non of their concern and the couple must allowed to choose their way forward instead of listening to advise of the surrounding others.

Just remember when the passion and love stops and disappear, it is better to breakup and live the remaining of their separate lives happy and in the way they live. No need to hold on and cause misery or handship to the other partner. Let life flow and live on to the next chapter. 


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