Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The fruit's sweetness

I was told by my friend , an old Japanese expatriate living in Penang.  He told me that we should eat the fruits when it is just ripe.  If we eat it too young, it is sour , bitter and coase and if we wait until  it is just ripe, the fruits will be at its best taste and texture will be awsome. However, if we eat it when it is too ripe , it will be too soft and too watery and too sweet.

Everything have its moments to reach its maximum.  For food, action , sex and happiness. There is an optimum moment to enjoy all the wonders in life.

Sometimes , the moment may not come easy  and we have to tolerate adn strike it when it is hot. To make a good sword, the sword must be treated and hammered into shape at the appropriate heat or temperature.

For happiness, it will be the maximum if the right environment  and situation pervail. When there is an achievement , when there is a recognition and when there is a proper stage to provide the optimum effect.

For sex, it is a matter of fore play and when the climax is up, the proper strike will bring it higher to perfection. The feelings will be released and the juice will flow.

So, the right timing , the right action, the right existence will bring out the best effect. The foods' best sweetness.

We have to have the patience  and the wisdom to wait and strike at the best timing.


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