Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Various types of cough - extracts

We all know that coughs are irritating and don't go away as easily as they come. A colleague returned to work after three days of being away because of a nasty cough. And although his workload ended up on my shoulders, by the end of the day, all I wanted was for him to go back where he temporarily belonged-at home. Not only was he passing the bug to everyone within germ-spreading radius, the constant coughing was driving me up the wall. WHAT ARE THE VARIOUS TYPES OF COUGH? The main type: • Productive cough: Also called an 'effective cough' as it expels mucous from the lungs. This type of cough is mostly acute in nature and is often caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection. It should not be suppressed, otherwise recurrent or constant infection will remain since the purpose of the cough (to remove mucus) is suppressed. • Non-productive cough: Also called an ' ineffective cough' as it does not bring any secretions or mucous out of the lungs. It is a dry, irritating cough without phlegm. This type of cough is mostly chronic in nature and caused by dry irritation, dust, smoke or fumes, or due to oedema and mild secretion in the resolving stage of illness. It may be also due to weakness of the muscles of respiration, thick viscid mucus or diseases of the cilia, which helps mucous transportation in the airway. Other classifications of a cough: 1. Acute - not more than three weeks' duration. For example, infective coughs. 2. Chronic- more than three weeks' duration. For example, smoker's cough. 3. Dry cough- no mucous or secretions. 4. Wet cough - with mucous or secretions. 5. Cough from chest or from throat - productive or non-productive• Bovine cough - soundless cough due to paralysis of larynx. 6. Psychogenic cough - self-conscious activity of the patient to draw attention. Preventing A COUGH IS POSSIBLE Smoking and dust exposure. Working in areas with noxious fumes or polluted air. Cold food or drinks. Contact with infected persons. Continuous usage of nasal decongestant and cough syrups. Do Rest in a room with good ventilation. Drink plenty of fluids & water, expulsion. Eat light and small meals to reduce vomiting with oesophageal. Inhale steam to loosen phlegm. Take vitamin C and zinc to shorten the duration of cold or disease. Do you know: A cough is an explosive expulsion of air from the lungs, and can reach speeds of more than 100km per hour.      

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