Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Staring at the face of death

Last night, I stared at the face of death as my FIL was suffering in pain on his bed. He is already terminally ill and it is only a matter of days or weeks before he walk to the other side. Memories of  the healthy him rushed through my mind in quantum leaps. The scenes flushes through including the moments at the death bed of my MIL nine years ago. The Doctor have advised us to make him as comfortable as possible and sent him off peacefully.

Some of his loved ones still struggling to accept the fate and his illness.  They are still having hope and try to make him live better by trying every ways to make him live longer. His eating and drinking is already difficult and painful yet sentiments still rules the head as attempt to make him eat and drink to preserve his life. Yeah, who would want him to go if there is a choice? If eating and drinking water would cure him or prolong his life then by all means we do it.  But, if the outcome is certain, his comfort should be the top priority. If we start to wonder and have confusing thoughts or doing illogical things, the result will be the same and the going will be more difficult.

We should not impose our judgement or our thinking on the patient and we should consult with the Doctors who have great experience in handling these cases.  If you thinking you are smarter than the Doctors who have been treating hundreds and thousands of these cases, it is not only foolish and sinful. We are inflicting more pain and discomfort on the patient. It is not doing good but in reverse, we are doing negative things. At this moment, don't let the sentiments rule the heart but keep a cool head and just follow the advise of the Doctor.

From this experience, we can learn that some people can do idiot things or silly things not to help the patient but make themselves feel better by imposing their ways. These loved ones have good intentions but doing it the wrong way and for selfish purposes.


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