Saturday, July 9, 2011

The power from within

Doing good or bad, depends on you. It is absolutely your choice and decision. You can be different and do not let your mind decide for you. It is so weird that your mind is not you. You mind is influenced by your mental habits which controls your mind. If you break the auto pilot mechanism, you can make the difference.

We must realized that our mind is barely been used in normal circumstances . In a research paper on the subject, it was noted that we used less than 3% of our brain capability.  We have enormous power in us and we only need to tap into these powerful resources and use it efficiently for our self. In our daily routine, we do not challenge our mind but we rather work within our routine and comfort zone. To challenge the brain, it  can be  painful and uncomfortable . We are used  to the  lazing around and lay back life style if we are given a choice.

If we work against the comfort zone and constantly breaking out of the box and tap our brain's  potential and stretch it to a new limit  and we will release the powerful intelligence in us. In our life, we always travelling the road we used to travel and if we change our route  and reach our destinations by using the less travelled roads , then our knowledge and experience will be wider and we can see things or situations more clearly.  Just like a rubber band. If it is new, it can only stretch to a certain limit but if we constantly , stretching it , the limit of its  stretchability is wider and further. The resistance to the stretching in the rubber band is stronger at the initial stage but it becomes more flexible over the number of stretching and over time. This is the same logic as an untapped mind. It is flexible and its power is enormous and powerful.

To stretch the mind which is abstract or transparent and its actual location is unknown, we have to go deep inside our mind and learn its habits and understands it.  Understand its behaviour and its auto pilot mechanism and work with it and be aware of its reactions.  If we constantly access it and train or tame it, it will gradually come under your control and you will feel amazingly powerful and you become your real "you". The one who makes the decision and not the slave self.

It is a wonderful experience and your must trace, track, train , tame your mind so that it works for you and  not you working under it.


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