Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coming from the heart

There is a belief that whatever we do if we follow our heart , it will not be wrong.  Every decision, action or consideration coming from the heart is positive as it is belief that basically, all of us have a compassionate heart. The heart is pure and simple. The only vicious ideas comes from our evil mind. Our mind over rules our heart unless we intentionally cross our mind and follow our heart. So, there is a saying " cool head and warm heart". This is the best solution for happiness.  The reverse of this condition is " hot head and cool heart" which make us ugly and bad.

In my past articles, I have written that an untamed mind who its own way of re-acting or making decision for us. We are controlled by our monkeying mind and we are just not our self.  If we tame and still our mind, then we are focus and aware. We are aware of the naughty mind taking control over the heart. So, before a decision or consideration been make, we can over-rule the mind and follow our heart. Many times, our heart is weak and our mind is strong, so decision or consideration is wrongly make and caused unrepairable damages to us and others.

Loving kindness and kind compassion comes from the heart. In Buddhism, we have to open our heart and be compassionate to all living beings and we treat all with loving kindness. If we give out positive energy, we will receive back positive energy and the Universe will give us the power. The power to cleanse our self. If we meditate, we have to relax and open our heart to receive the positive energy from the Universe and by doing so, we strengthen our compassion and loving kindness. If you quiet down and open up your heart, you can be aware and focus on  cleaning up  the bad energy from your body and mind and rid your self off the bad memories and experience which form your mental habits. These mental habits are alive and hiding in your memory and will take over your untamed mind naturally in response to an external trigger or distraction.

There is a close relationship between the body and mind. If  we have a still mind, we have a compassionate heart. If we have a monkey mind, our heart is confused and weak. So, the combination of these two elements is very important to give you eternal bliss and happiness.  If we calm our mind, we will strengthen our compassionate heart and we will give out loving kindness.

If these formula is properly balance and maintain, you will enjoy enlightenment and give out positive energy.


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