Friday, June 3, 2011

What is out there is a reflection of our mind.

What we see is it real? No, it is just a projection of an image in our mind. We see it only from one single angle at a time. If we move our position, we see the object from another angle. We cannot see the whole object and so, we interpret it based on the limited knowledge or experience from our past. If we see a tiger, then we recognized the tiger from what we learn in the past. If we have encountered a fierce tiger in the past, all tigers we see now and the future is fierce. Our mind have make the decision for us and we will re-act accordingly to protect our self from the tiger.

Everything is an illusion, a projection of our mind. But, who can it be an illusion if we can touch and feel it? It must be real. In this space and time , it is real but in a quantum space, it is just atoms and minute particulars holding together by a force. So, when we die, our body also decays and disintegrate and we do not exist. Our life is just like the actors in the movie and it filmed and projected on the silver screen. Is it real? No, it is just an illusion and the movie is like the projections in our mind of what we see. Nothing is real over time ? Everything evolves and change and over time everything disintegrate and vanish.

But, what about the Himalayan Mountain ? It is there for thousands of years and in will be there for many thousand of years. What about in an eon? Will the mountain be there?  Time and space is infinite and changing. Like what Lao Tze says " Nothing is static, everything is evolving all the time" . Can we stop aging ? For thousands of years, the Chinese Emperors have been searching for an answer to longevity. But, finally, it is futile. All of them is dead and gone despite their power to rule their empire. Nothing is permanent.

Our mind is the monkey, playing tricks on us and making decision for us. Sometimes, it can be so mischievous and mislead us to believe that the mind is us or we make the decision. Most of the time, it is the devil in disguise. We have to be careful, the mind is not us unless it is the true mind. The true mind is without mental habits , is without any experiences, is without any knowledge.  The present of knowledge, experience and feelings in our mind, is not our true mind. Our mind is empty and aware. It is always at peace and with compassion and loving kindness. It is inter-related to all living beings. It is without bias and non judgemental.

Our true mind will see the projections in our mind, watch it , be aware of it  and let it go.  Just a pass through of what we see and acknowledging it as a passing movie. If our mind is capable of doing that , then we have found our true self. It is not difficult, just think about it and if possible, meditate on it.Eventually, you will find it.


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