Sunday, June 26, 2011

To be and not to be ... Shakespeare

I told my daughter about Shakespeare's writing and she instantly told me " to be and not to be". Ow! Young people of this generation also know the famous quote. Yes, just six words and the meaning is very deep.  When it mend to happen, it will happen and if it is not going to happen, it will not happen. I have written an article on this subject.

Life is very fluid and it is constantly changing and it is  very unpredictable and uncertain. If you think tomorrow is sure to come, it may not be and if you think that you are dying , yet you will not die because the time have yet come.  Maybe Shakespeare have read about Buddha's teaching of impermanence  or Lao Tze's  theory of  constant changes. I believe Buddha and Lao Tse was before the time of Shakespeare.

This deep wisdom is to advise us to live in the present  and do not interfere with nature or force a change in our fate. Let things happen naturally and according to its timing.  Birth, age, sickness and death is the four ages in our life and the circle of life will turn according to each individual fate.  We have to learn to acknowledge , accept and be aware of the changes coming before us. So, many great teachers and  great man have preach this wisdom and yet a lot of us is ignorant or refuse to accept the unfolding of nature.

So often, we asked our self why is this or that is happening to us ? We continue to seek an answer that is already there before us. We  just refuse to accept it and fight against it.  Yet, we have no control over the outcome and it caused a lot of turmoil in our heart and mind. We asked those close to us and yet , there is no answer. It is not that there is no answer, we just refuse to accept that it is happening to us.

I have said it before, if worries can make you happy , keep worrying and if not, shift your focus  and think of the happy things and let nature takes its course.  If we do not have control over the events, why do we attempt to change it and caused unnecessary  unhappiness for us. The time is limited and we should use the limit time to settle our  lasting matters and prepare to close the chapters with the people around us.  Yes, to accept the end is scary and difficult and needs a lot of courage.  What is the use of fear if the end is certain.

Yes, to be and not to be. Live with this wisdom and you will be blissful and happy.


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