Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Mixed thoughts

A lot of thoughts going through my mind and makes me restless and confused. Where are this thoughts coming from ? Yeah, my monkey mind is loose again and lately, I could not hold a clear thought.  Thoughts are moving in and out of my mind.  The more I want to control it , the more it re-acts and the more turbulent I become.   Well, I have to watch it drift by and do nothing and make friend with the thoughts.   Let it flow freely in and out of my mind and I will not overact to it.

My past experience with meditation really cannot help me at all.  The more I exert my control on my mind, the more turbulent it becomes. It is just like a pebble thrown into a pond and the ripples surged through. If more and more pebbles are thrown into the pond , the more disturb is my mind. The water cannot settle down at all until peace come when the water becomes still again.

The changing of thoughts becomes very disturbing and it is at a press forward speed , it is even more chaotic and turbulent.  I have to be kind to this disturbing mind to induce it to slow down and become peaceful. At its height of turbulence , I can only be aware of it and contemplate on it .  Let it come to own peace when the time is ripe. At its turbulence time, sometime our heart beat increases and we felt short of breath. this is unavoidable and some people use drug to settle the problem.  At its turbulence time, we cannot intervene into it and force it to be still and quiet.  It will never work as it takes time. This is the law of nature. Let it run out by itself.


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