Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today is Wesak Day - a day of Enlightenment

I had my vegetarian breakfast and I went to pay my respect to the Great Teacher , Buddha which was housed in a shed, set up on a basket ball court near my house. Previous years, I will go to a proper temple and mingle with believers to pray to Lord Buddha with joss sticks .  The whole temple will be engulf in smoke and we will emerge with tears in our eyes. It is not out of compassion but the re-action of the eyes to the smoke, Have you hear the song " Smoke gets in my eyes" ? In recent years, most of the temples have forbid praying to the Buddha with joss sticks. Yes, it is getting modern. However, some flexibility is given to the traditional believers who have refused to change their old habits. 

Do you know the reason why people used joss sticks to pray to the GODS and the dead ? When we pray, we do not know whether it has been heard or not ? So, when we pray with the joss sticks, the smoke is supposed to carry the message to the GOD and the dead. In some horror movies, the ghost eat joss sticks and candles for food and for the Taoist sect, if more joss sticks are burn for the Deities, they will be more powerful in their magic and spiritual powers. Well, these beliefs have been passed down from generations in the Chinese history. People along the way have created such superstitions and become folklore in some areas. People in this generation is getting smarter and is more daring to challenge illogical   theories or beliefs.

So, Religion have also changed and changed in an intelligent way. Buddhism is not a religion and Buddha cannot give  you anything even if you pray relentlessly for your wish to come true. Buddhism is a way of life and its teaching is to lead you to eternal happiness within yourself. So, Buddhism is GODLESS , so how can it be a religion.  If we believe in Buddhism so who creates us ? If there is no creator , then who can we be so perfect and how can the whole Comos move or operate in harmony. Yes, it is easier to believe in GOD and use GOD  to answer  all these old aged  questions. It is easy and plain simple. So, why Buddhism do not provide the ultimate answer to existence.

Yes, this is a difficult questions but modern science is still work on the theory of the "Big Bang"  after failing to find GOD using the modern equipments.  The modern theory studying the MIND have in many aspects co-incite with the teaching of the Buddha, There are many modern text which supports the teaching of the Buddha in the management of the MIND. In Buddhism , everything we see is an illusion and it is a projection of the eye and manipulated by the mind according to our mental habits. The whole universe exist in our mind while we form the whole universe.

Today, my message is that change your perception and your will change your mind and it will finally change you. In one of my yoga teaching, we seek the power from the Universe from above and bring it down to our heart and our body  and load it with our compassion  and unleash it out to all the people close to us or unknown to us by way of a blue light and absolve all their problems, hurts and pains and pull it back from them and sent it back to the Universe for cleansing. We repeat this process to spread our compassion to the world and seek happiness for everyone.

Happy Wesak Day.  Your Enlightenment starts with you and within you.


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