Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Down by the Palash River

Today, I am in Palash , Dhaka , Bangladesh. I have came to visit the project site again for the third time and this time, it was more intense and in greater details.  I was invited to take a ride down the Palash river.  It was a very long river  and both banks are filled with factories including many brick factories.  It was a waste as the water was dirty and muddy. It was a pitiful sight.

The river have been raped many times over by dirt and flirts flowing into the river.  I was here during the last December  and I took a ride down the river in the early morning. It was misty and the cold wind was brushing up my cheek and it was so refreshing. The river then was also muddy but with the rising morning sun, it was quite a sight and I did not pay attention to the water. After doing down the river, I came to release how badly the river have been hurt so severely.

I believe it was once a magnificent river which provides the waterways to cargo shipments and there could be a thriving fishing industry. Since the industrialization of the area, it has been sick for a long time.  When I was there this afternoon, I could see the setting sun over the horizon of the river. It was a beautiful sight.  Comparable to the rising sun's beauty. Either scenery has its charm and beauty.and it would be much better during the winter months.

When float down the river , the end of the river is a shipping depot  with several ships docking at the depot and after it, was a magnificent bridge across the river. There are signs and sights of continuous improvement in the area  In the name of development , nature have been destroyed and the mother earth have been hurt in many ways.

Green , green grass of home. Lets sit up and do something to support the go green project  and save the mother earth. If you change your mindset towards green concept, you will change your life to support it ,


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