Friday, April 29, 2011

When God die, where is our hope ?

How can God die ? God is forever and almighty.  If God can die , he is not God. But, in the past, all the Gods or Saints die and yet, they are remember for their good deeds and have been respected greatly. Jesus died on the cross, Buddha died after eating  rotten meat, Prophet Mohammed also die a natural death, Mother Teresa die of old age, the Pope John Paul also died of old age and list goes on and on.  The latest is the passing of Sai Baba. He also died of old age and without living a will. He has predicted that he will die in his early 90's.  I would rather consider them as great teachers of their time in this world.

If there is no God, who can we be so perfect ? We have a pair of legs mend for walking or running and have  a pair of eyes which can see , a pair of ear which can hear and a mouth fill with the sense of taste and a nose which can distinguish the different smells. A private part which we can pee and shit. A perfect blood circulation system and a pair of lungs to breath. Everything is in perfect motion and function harmoniously. How can it be so perfect ? How can a big bang create this chemistry and biology ? It is impossible even through evolutions. Why can we evolve to have only one eye, one nose and one ear? Why is it in pairs and in such perfect balance. The only explanation is that there is a creator and this creator is an almightly person. This is the easiest way to explain. Period.

Then why are there so many different beliefs and so many religions and so many ways to explain our existence. There is only one creator and every religion is created by the different teachers of their time. Then through the years of evolution, the people make the rules, stories and make believes to explain their existence.  Buddhism in India, Hinduism is from India, Prophet Mohamed and Jesus from the Middle East and Mother Teresa and the Pope from the West. All exist during different times and their legacy is spread by their followers. Man are intelligent creatures and they fantasize and spread the believes.

Based on my analogy, everything different is created for a purpose by Man.  All the rules and beliefs are used to protect their teachings. Generally, every religion is good and it helps Man to manage their lives. Lets look through the curtains or the walls like what Maharaji told us. If we peel of each layers , we will see the core. All these layers are laid by Man over the years but the core remains the same. Finally, there is only one creator and it does not matter who you can him. Finally, all the Man are the same.


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