Saturday, April 9, 2011

I love the way you lie and the way it hurts.

Rediculous. But romantic? What is wrong with the generation today ? What happen to the girls ?  How can you accept a lie and then enjoy the hurt.  Love is sincere and truthful.  If we lie, it is not fair to our partner and if they lie, it will  untolerable.  Don't be so silly to accept a lie and pretend to be loving.  It is sadistic to enjoy the hurt. We have to stand up to this bad behaviour because everything starts from a small lie. There is not "buts" , when there is a lie, it should be admitted and if it is true, our partner should apologize and promise not to do it. It is not a sacrifice  or romantic pretending you like the lie as well as the hurt. Strange emotions.

Yes, I heard the song and I could not believe the lyrics. I have heard the song again to -night  and I got the feeling to said out what I am thinking.  I have been asking my daughter and her young friends how they feel about the song.  I am shock because everyone of them like the song and think it is romantic. Well, it is known to the boys that girls like crying and been sad.  This is their nature. OMG. Sometimes, we abuse others and  sometime others  abuse us.  A lie is a form of abuse. It is an abuse of our trust. Hey, girls , please don't get it wrong.  Honesty is the best policy. We have to be transparent and enjoy a pure love without lies.  Don't make the sacrifice and pretend to love it.

When it comes to white lies, it is subjective .  A lie which do not hurt anybody when it is not said or said the  way and with the intention to heal or make people happy.Such lies , although it do not meant to hurt , it is better not to say anything.  The outcome is unpredictible and could alter the true situation of an event or happening. It could roll forward into the future and end hurting people in the future.So , a lie is a lie , it should not be said at all even how white it could be.

In Buddhism, one of the eight fold path is right speech and right action.  I have writen an article on this precepts. To have a pure heart, it starts with a pure mind , a right attitude with good intentions. From our right speech and  actions, it will give us a strong foundation to build our character and it will  influence
lour mind.  Our mind in turns, influence our body and actions. Everything is well linked ie the mind influence the body and vice versa.

A healthy mind breeds a healthy body and a healthy body nourishes the mind. Both is very closely linked and connected. Your life is also depends on what you think.


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