Saturday, April 2, 2011

How long is 30 years ?

A blink of an eye. It was like yesterday. It was so long ago and it has gone. I have a mixed feeling while dwelling back in time. I have attend 25 times out of 50 times of the Association's dinner.  Not bad. It has been a good attempt as a member.

Last night, I attended a Senior Staff Association dinner as a VIP guest. I was a member for 30 and the last few years, I have not been attending the dinner function because of other commitments.  But, basically, I want to avoid drinking beer or liquor. I feel guilty and bad after a night of heavy eating and drinking and I always over-eat and over-drink. These are my dead spots. During the dinner , I met many old colleagues which I have not seen for sometime because they have their work and I have my busy assignments.

During the dinner, One of the VIP guest asked me a question - why are there many old people? I told him that this is a 30 Anniversary dinner and many of the people who have attended the dinner have been working for the Company and many of them are retiring soon.

During my trip to the loo , I met a few old friends and we greet each other and end with an agreement that we are old already. Such occasions do remind us that times passes by very fast  as I have said before hours turns into days and into weeks ,months and then years." Age and Time waits for no one ". With a look at our faces, it tells that it has been seasoned and weathered. Some friends have become bald or become a silver hair devil with a pot belly and a weathered face.  These are evidences from our journey through life. But, surprisingly, there are some old female colleagues that are able to keep trim and fit and they do not look in their age. Marvellous achievements. They are the special breeds who could control their aging through healthy activities and a strong mind. Good body - mind combinations. A matured mind but a young body. It is just wonderful.

At the dinner , the food and drinks flow while we were entertain by a group of dancers.  They also look old , fat and worn out but they  are doing mostly culture dances and it does not look that bad.  Tolerable but it could be much better if there are some SYT (Sweet Young Things ) in the group. It is very real. Who would not prefer some fresh faces or fit young dancers if there is a choice.  I am not sexist but only a realist.

There was so much noise, music , drinks , shouting " Cheers" and the most important is the lucky draws. I think the lucky draws are the baits to draw the crowd. Otherwise, it will be a much smaller crowd , I believe. This is another real assessment.

Every body was having a fun time.  Why are they so happy ?  Yeah, they make themselves happy and like me, I make my self happy to enjoy my time with my old friends  and among the noisy music and guilt of over-eating. Nobody can make us happy if we choose not to and nobody can stop us to feel happy. Happiness is from within. With this wisdom and understanding , we can be happy under whatever circumstances. To initiate this happy feeling, we have to count our blessings.  Our presence at the dinner is already a blessing. Such occasion is very rare and getting rare.  The occasion to be with oldfriends.  Tomorrow could be our turn to go to the other side. Who can tell ?

The theme of yesterday's dinner was yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Yesterday is gone , today is here and tomorrow is not certain. What we have is today only. Treasure the day and the opportunity to breath and be alive. Do whatever you want to do and remember be happy. It is very easy and just tell your mind to switch the mood. It will happen immediately. Believe me, nothing is so serious that makes you sad.

Have an enjoyable day and Om, Shanti.

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