Friday, April 15, 2011

Born like this - my view

When I read the article on lady gaga about her new song , born like this, I felt the urge to talk about this matter.  I remembered a Taiwanese TV entertainment slot  "Diamond Club" which conducted a competition on cosmetic make-up and a few of the contestants tried to change their appearance within a scheduled time frame.  I could see miracle happening when they change themselves from a plain Jane to a beauty queen.  From that time on, I never under estimate the power of make-up. It is fabulous.

I don't know what prompted me to connect the song to the cosmetic competition but some how it was connected. Are we real ? In this advanced world, everything can be changed the way we want it. The advancement of plastic surgery and the artistic usage of cosmetics can change our appearance and make us look like another people or a person we like. This is really frightening. Do we need to be born like this? If you remember, I have said in my previous article that we are what we think and now, our look can be changed to what we like. Our mind controls everything including our outer appearance.  Lady Gaga looks beautiful in her musical movies but in real life, she looks like a plain Jane without makeup and her dressing.

In our Chinese culture, the most difficult thing to change in our life is our character. There is a saying " we can easily change the whole dynasty but the character will not move an inch".  Another belief is that " By the third year after birth, our character is fixed for the next 80 years". What we will be , will be. In a behavioural study, human beings are a routine creature. Each person have a comfort zone and we tend to live within the comfort zone. Anything special or out the box will create a sense of danger and instability. This is the fundamental hindrance to change in our thinking and character.

When I watch the TV series, Criminal Minds, the characters in the movie are personal profile experts. To catch a thief , we have to think like a thief and to catch a murderer , we have to think like a murderer. Sometimes, these agents got so deep into the character,  they could not get back to be his real character. Some actors have such experiences and have to live like sthe character for some time before getting to be themselves again.

Basically, we are born with the basic characteristics. For the physical features, we can alter our appearance but if it is internal, we should be aware of  who  we are, what we are  and we should know our weakness and strength and focus to improve our weakness to be stronger and better. If we think that we are born like this and do nothing about it, we will be driven by our basic instinct and our born-with characteristics.

Om Shanti

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