Saturday, December 4, 2010

Our path in life

In the film, LXD , there was this quote. At birth, our path is set for us, when we grow, we choose our path and most of the time our path change or at times, the path find us. This is a very deep philosophy and our life evolves and will continue to evolves.

We can choose the common path which have been curved out by billions of people, or we can choose a path that is less travelled or we can curve out a new patch for others to follow. Whichever way, the end is the same but the journey there will be different.

I was travelling from Dhaka to Palash on a car. It is like a city road to a country side where the road can only accommodate two vehicles . One from the left and one from the right in different directions.   The road is full with buses, trucks , cars , motorbikes and people walking on both sides of the road.  Everything is in a rush and most of the time , the vehicles moving in opposite directions would have a 50% chance of getting hit by an opposite vehicle. And this incident happens when a truck hit the side mirror of the vehicle I was travelling in  and both drivers just move on as if nothing happens. Life is so cheap and fluid. It could be one day , I am here and the next moment, I will be gone.

You may asked me why. Why I choose this path? One of my expatriate colleague told me that this is my life work  and since, I started it , I have to finish it. Yes, am I selfish so that I can leave behind a legacy? Or it is an ego trip? Yeah, I have a choice of comfort and safety.

You may say that I am a fortune hunter and I won't denied that a bit more money does help but I think at this age which passed the normal retirement age. It is more of a challenging spirit and to curve out a path in Bangladesh to lay a route to a new frontier.  You may say it is non of my business and other people also can do it.  Yes, other people can also do it but I want to do it to fulfill my individual vision in life and have satisfaction in life.

I think there is a frontier spirit in everyone of us but the choice of a routine and comfortable life suppress this desire to venture and to create. Whatever path we have chosen or is chosen for us, whatever is within us will not change. So, float like a butterfly and sting like a bee as we fly through your path in life.


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