Friday, December 31, 2010

Last day of 2010 . A chicken or a duck?

The feeling is pathetic. Still in a hair saloon waiting for my wife to dye her hair to welcome the new year. Wanting to say something before the year is over.

The owner is a close relative of my wife. She advised me not to retire becos her retired husband is querreling with her everyday. This put their relationship on the rock. She told me that not only Man have needs but Female also have needs. Iaaked her to tone down her temple but she said that she cannot change already because she is old already. She told me that the other day, she hsd a big querrel with her long time friend. Both of them have big ego trying to win the arguement. iaaked her in the end who win? Both lost in the end with a strain relationship. Funny. Is it so important to win?

I took a leaf from my adopted Guru,Ajahn Brahm and told her the famous chicken story to illustrate a point.

There was this coiple who was walking in the forest and they hear a chicken crow. The husband say that is a chicken amd the wife say that is a duck. No, thst is a chicken, the husband say. This arguement goes on for a fee rounds until the wife want to cry. Finally, the husband said" ok, ok. It is a duck". Then both of them live happily ever after.

Isn't it funny? Why waste the time and energy to prove each other wrong? Is it so important whether it is a chicken or a duck? People often lost their focus of what is really important or a chicken or duck or their relationship? Common sense is not so common when ego is concern.
We know we are wrong but we just want to win or teach the other person a lesson. Does it really so important. We have to think and think again to regain our senses. Just stop and think before you respond and don't let your emotions control you or just walk away to regain your composure and your sense and awareness.

A chicken or a duck, does it matter?


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