Saturday, December 11, 2010

Emotion is just a feeling

I read from the newspaper of a boy committing suicide after his girl friend rejected him after a four months' affair and he left behind a message in the FB, talking about his feelings and his failed relationship. It is really a sad thing and this could be his fate. Nothing could be done or he could have make a different choice at the last moment if he controls his emotions or some friends have step in to help at the crucial time.

Emotions is a very powerful force in our life. It changes and evolves every second in different degree and sometimes, we are just a slave to it and dance to its tune. One moment, we can be happy and next moment, we can be sad and upset and burst out uncontrollably and hurt the people around us or the people we love most. Most of the time, we regret after the fact. One single noise, word, sight and wrong taste will swing our mood as our expectation also changes.  Our mind will play our past references or experience in our life to influence the emotions and chart its course.

In my previous article, I have mentioned that life is droplets of feelings and it comprises of a recipe  of factors like cooking.  When we cook a dish, we add in salt , sugar, water, vinegar, vegetable , fish,etc at different degree  and when the dish is finished, you can dip your finger into the source and taste it. It gives you a taste. That is feeling, just a taste at that moment of time. If you add in more water, the taste will change and if you add in sugar, it will get sweeter and the taste will change. Anything is add in or adjust, the final result will be different. This is the vital point. The feeling change if you change the recipee. So, imagine you are the cook, you control the recipe and decide the outcome or the final taste.

How do we change the recipe ? If we are able to understand this concept and control our mind to modulate our expectations and our level of contentment, we will be able to control it. This is not easy and it takes a long time to train our mind so that we can control the doses of each recipe and to manage the outcome.  For example, if we feel cold, we wear additional clothings and if we are hot, we go under a shade or switch on the air condition, if we are sad, we watch happy movies,etc. In Yoga, we used meditation to silent our mind. We acknowledge the existence of the feeling, watch go by and not doing anything about it.  Feelings will change every second according to our mind.

As a final advise, feelings are like droplets into the river. It is a feeling at a time and finally, it will build up as a mighty river. One feeling will not hurt you but if you let the feeling builds up and it will create a mighty river and you will not be able to control it. If you handle the droplets as it arises, it will vanish or its strength will be reduced and you can manage its flow and force.

Have a good day.


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