Tuesday, January 31, 2017

In the twilight

The path of life have a few 10 years span. The first 20 years is growing up , next 10 years is starting a family and the next is to stabilize our achievements until the age of 60 and it will down hill after that until we finished our path.  This a natural and common life span of the normal people.  Some people live to the ripe old age of 100 but the average life span is about 75 to 80. If we beat the point, an additional year is a bonus to us.

However, some people are more conservative and after the age of 50, every day is a bonus to them.  They will thank GOD for the wonderful new day and accept the blessing of been able to open their eyes for another day. It is just like drivers who only pump their people when the tank gets empty and some pump their petrol at the half way point.  There are so many different type of characters in life and there is no right or wrong. Some people are more prudent and some are taxing themselves to the fullest. They are so called the " risk takers".

I am born in the period of the baby boomers and some famous names during my time is starting to die one by one.  The latest is Mary Tyler Moore . She was the start of her own shown and she was so famous and beautiful during her prime. Additionally, she is so cheerful and funny.  She died at 83.  When the news came, it was a waking reminder that life have a limit.  It could be near or it could be far. During the Christmas time, George Michaels was dead in his mid fifties.  Some people reach their average age, some people young and some people is still living in their 100 years.

Maintaining a good lifestyle is a pre-requisite to a longer life but sometimes, it depends on your own path or fate.  It is never a guarantee.


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