Sunday, October 23, 2016


I have read a story about a monk who said that we have to unlearn to learn. It is just like a tea cup , it it is full , we cannot add anymore tea.  We have to empty it before we can fill it up again. Yes, the story have another part and not only we have to empty it , it takes more than that.

There was this man's experience with the previous Dalai Lama. He did not believe that there is an existence of  highly spiritual man in this world until he met the Dalai Lama.  On their first experience , the Dalai Lama took out two cups and put on the table and start to pour tea into the first cup and than on the 2nd cup, After finishing , he asked the visiting foreigner  " Do you understand ? " and the foreigner was surprise . " Understand what ? ". The Dalai Lama smile and told him " Yes, this is the way to start ".  We have to admit what we don't know before we get to know.  If we start to give our version of the story than the tea cup is full and cannot absolved anymore.  

So , we have to admit that all our decision is wrong before we can re-think.  We are often mis-led by external sources or internal understanding and only that we admit that all decisions or  understanding is wrong before we can re-think.


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