Sunday, April 3, 2016

At this moment.....

I have been feeling rather upset from last Friday due to some unpleasant incidents in my office.  I promised not to bring back this feeling with me but on and off, the unpleasantness surged up and break into my thoughts. I have been pushing it away but it came back knocking on my mental door more forcefully. 

The more I want to shake it off , the more sticky it becomes.  I related it to my pursue of my mediation practice , The more I want myself to come down and ease into a state of calmness and peace, the more illusive it becomes. I should kind to my mind and let it find its own level of peace instead of pushing my mind into a peaceful stage, I must relax my body and be kind to it and let it ease into its comfortable form and then I should turn to my mind and let it find its own peace at its own time,

The level of the water in the pond must find its calm and if we hold a cup of water in our hands , it will never find its peace or stillness in the cup of water because our feelings and our hands can never be still.  Our body and mind is always moving and disturb by our emotions.  The only time the water in the cub can be still is you have to put the cub on the table or the floor and let it find its stillness. We have to let go , let go of our ego ,our passion , our feelings and whatever on our mind and the mind and mind will find its own stillness.

Always be aware of our impermanence as we are only passing through this life briefly.  If we catch hold of life too much, we become self centred and have big egos . We want wealth ,power , frame ,love and respect. All these are illusions if you see through its surface. We want to control fate and also everything happening around us to our satisfaction or our way, it is  impossible as we are not GOD , we are only a passenger through time and fate have its own destiny and evolution.

Just let go and let fate decides the things beside us and kill your ego , kill it fast and don't be a hero in every event, there are moments where you can be in your prime.  Change with change and you will understand to let go of things. We cannot catch hold of fate as it is has a life of its own.


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