Sunday, February 22, 2015

Nothingness - fragility of life

Everything is a passing moment . Life come and go leaving no footprints on this earth. They are forgotten with the passage of time unless they have created an impact to this world.  Anyway, it is only for the historical  records to show how their life have impact the world.

Just like the hot weather, it comes and goes. Life goes on and the show must go on with or without us. We are just a spec of dust lying on the floor waiting for the wind to pick us up and blow us away.

In the end, it is nothing.  We came and go and influenced some human beings as we go through and the wind and rain will clean up our footprints.

Before CNY, I went with my wife to pray for her deceased father and mother. One rest in a hole while another buried in a 6' x 3'. What is difference?  It is still an historical record that we came and gone through this earth.  Many of the plots are left unkept and withering away.

During our life, we believe in Fung Shui , zodiac , palmistry and predictions. What is the point ? it is to be more comfortable when we live through life on earth.  Yeah, just for comfort only but the end is the same.

Maybe I having this negative feelings after spending  one half day with my cancer-stricken sister in law and this sharing moments with her really open up my mind about life. We can do our best to preserve our health but it has to depend on the higher up authority whether he or she wants to live a longer life or not. But , the end is still the same either in a box or a six by three.

It is actually very disturbing in our monkey mind but this is life. Either we control our mind or our mind control us.


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