Saturday, December 12, 2015

In heaven or Nirvana. ?

In Heaven or Nirvana ?

My Sister in law was called by the Lord two days ago. Maybe he is heaven so they say. Nobody is sure about the existence of heaven.

In all religions, the promise of heaven is there but nobody actually have been to heaven. Otherwise , the religion will be the mother of all religions. Until this present day, it is just a myth .
Many billions has died before me and no one came back to give testimony of the existence of heaven or Nirvana. They are talks and hearsay but there is no solid evidence of such existence.

It is not a bad hope as it is something comfortable and full of hope. Why do we fear death ? The main reason is that we do not know what come after death ? Whether we re-birth or vanished forever ? One life time or many life times. Nobody knows . Different religion promised different things and this is the confusion.

Nevertheless . I think the final set off show be grateful and decent . I am attending the wake of my sister in law at Nirvana memorial hall and even thought it is an expensive and commercialized , the dignity of the dead is guaranteed .


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