Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Coming to another Christmas

I have been enjoying christmas for many years and each time , the festive comes along , it brings me some kind of excitement.  I don't really know what happens to me during this period but I feel the spirit of peace and happiness. I really feel that the joy and happiness should be all around. Maybe, it is near the end of the year and I got the chance to renew my resolutions and start all over again.

The feeling is mixed and I also feel that another year has to come to an end. How time flies ?  The mixed confusion of starting a new and the ending of another year is conflicting .  Why is the year gone so fast ? Wow, another new year to start again.

The starting and ending of a year is actually started by people for thousands of years. What is the purpose ? To measure how long we live or to provide a new start to every year ?  Different people look at it differently and make their own judgements for their own agenda.

Does how long we live matters ? it is not how long but how well , right ? Why have to wait for one year to start a fresh ? Everyday is a new start and a new beginning .  Does the one year period a good time to messure our achievements ? Can we postpone one year after one year ? Is it so important to measure time and see long we live ? Is living longer , a measurement of achievemennt or success ? Basically, we want to survive longer than others and have the last laugh as we are the winner. Is this concept or philosophy of life correct ?

I think to live everyday to the fullest and with restraint is the best.  Live as if tomorrow never come and treat everyday as the last day of our life.  It is true , life is uncertain and death is only certain. Maybe, this is my year's resolution to go into the next year of the monkey.

Ho ho ho, jump , jump, jump and here comes the Monkey.


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