Saturday, May 30, 2015

So what ?

So what ? Last night I was at Gurney Plaza with my wife and she was shopping for an evening dress. I saw so many young couples as this was a Saturday night and a lot of young people come out courting. Out of these nicely dress couples, I saw a few young ladies with good features but have pimple scars in their face while the young men with them were charming and good looking. I was so proud of these young ladies with courage to walk in the public. I thought they would be embarrass and would hide themselves in private. But, they showed excellent courage and look so confident in the public. There could be others suffering in silence and in private cursing their luck and blaming their bad fortunes. For the timid ones , I would like to shake away the fear and come out to live their life and do their things. So what if other people stare at them or swear at them out of curiosity or jealousy. Break out of your shell and live . Why live to be what others expect you to live. Be your own self. Namaste.

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