Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tears in Heaven.

This song is written by Eric Capton in rememberance of his dead son. The lyric asked what will happen if later in death they met in heaven. How could they recognize each other or call each other and would their relationship be the same. This is a sad calling from Eric Capton for his son.

How cam things be the same after death? We will become energy source without a name and identity. Everything is impermanent and yet we cam be upset and angry in this life. We cling on to our money and wanting to make more and more without trying to live a good life. We are always in a rush and ever ready for the next action. Failng to slow down or stop and see.

We always wait for the appropriate time to do our personal things and ended up doing the job for our employer or other people while neglecting our personal matters.What others see in us is more important than we appreciating or paying attention to our own self. This thinking is extremely wrong. We are more important than everything else. Our time is limited and if we don't give ourself  the priority and in a blink of an eye , time flies and we will be rushing to finish all the pending business or do the things we want to do when the end of our life journey approaches or maybe, it is too late already.

There is a Chinese idiom which says ' one inch of time worth one inch of gold but one inch of gold cannot buy one inch of time' If we are dying, all the riches in the world will not  keep us alive. So, to those crazy workaholics, please give more times to yourself. You are only in transit.

I always tell my friends that we often give 80% of our time to our job and 20% of our time for our self and we make our employers happy and rich. If we reverse the formula , we will not only be  rich, we will also have a blissful and fulfilled life.

Don't wait for things to happen,go for it and make things happen for yourself. Otherwise, it is not only tears in heaven but suffering on earth.  Enjoy while you can and dance all night if you must. This is a gentle wake up call to start living.


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