Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A great pretender

How shall we re-act to a great pretender ?  He or she can talk well and act well and could make you very happy but he or she can talk a lot of different things behind ur back or to other people.  This is a black face and black heart theory , so technique which is difficult for us to see through.  But , if we step back and re-look at the act and analysed the wordings , then we can recognized the falsehood of all these words and acts.

If we are busy running around about our work , then we cannot see these acts or understand the words, we will be pull in by such acts and we will get trapped .  This is a very dangerous habit of us trying to think or act after hearing half truth words or seeing the half truth act.  We have to slowdown and go into a self awareness mood or mold to understand  all the words and acts which was thrown in our direction. It is liking riding a horse to see the flowers , very thing is blur , so we have to stop the horse and see the flowers clearly to understand.

Some of the actors or actress are of superb skills and they can tell lies without a single blink and can be very convincing.   Hence, what we need to do is to gather a bunch of good friends and be communication with them to make the situation clearly and where our re-actions cannot be wrong again and caused further misunderstanding.

Sometimes, it is better to be a group of friends to prevent those smart and sweet talking pretenders to take advantage of us . It is more so , when we have some hearing impairment to avoid been cheated dearly..


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